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DCVMN Webinar Series

Throughout the year, DCVMN hosts numerous webinars for our global community, focusing on the latest trends in vaccine development and manufacturing. These webinars offer an in-depth exploration of our panelists’ practical experiences and research expertise in producing safe and effective vaccines in developing countries. Led by our sponsors, resource members, and partners these virtual panels typically last between one to two hours and are followed by interactive Q&A sessions. This format allows for a thorough discussion of key points and questions raised by attendees, fostering a rich exchange of knowledge and insights. Join our webinars to stay informed and engaged with cutting-edge developments in the field of vaccine manufacturing.

Guidance for Webinars: Attendees | Presenters

Past webinars

25 SepTruking Webinar – From Lab to Production: Key Steps and Experience Sharing in Scale-up of Freeze-Drying Processes
Speaker: Becky Xiao
11 SepGEA Group’s Webinar: Innovative GEA single-use separators for vaccine processes, reducing filtration and without Steaming in Place (SIP) or Cleaning in Place (CIP)
Speakers: Dr. Markus Kuehberger & Ms. Li Wang
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13 AugSunflower Therapeutics Webinar – Benefits of Alternative Hosts in Vaccine Manufacturing: Speed, Cost, and Quality
Speakers: Dr. Laura Crowell & Ms. Alexandra Bonnyman
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30 JulRommelag Webinar: Vaccine Wastage reduction – Vaccine packaging with Blow-Fill-Seal
Speakers: Mr. Tim Kram & Dr. Matthew Peters
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30 AprInnovative Vaccine Technology Transfer and Local Manufacturing (Tofflon) 
Speakers: Mr. Justin Khng, Mr. Lokender Kaushik & Mr. Zichao Wang

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25 JanGo-to-market (GTM) toolbox launch: Leveraging global health resources to support GTM strategy development  (CHAI)
Speakers: Ms. Navpreet Singh & Mr. Rakesh Anand

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11 DecPATH Webinar -Microarray patches: Opportunities for global health impact and health equity
Speaker: Dr. Jessica Mistilis

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01 DecNOVATEK International Webinar: Achieving Both: Contamination Control as per Annex 1 and Digitalization of the Environmental Monitoring Process
Speaker: Ilona Endisch

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29 NovUnivercells Technologies Webinar: Addressing scale-up challenges through technological innovation for cost-effective vaccine development
Speaker: Dr.Floriane Cohen

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30 OctVismederi Webinar: Assays for vaccines immunogenicity assessment
Speakers: Prof. Emanuele Montomoli, Giulia Piccini, PhD , Elena Gianchecchi, PhD &  Eleonora Molesti, PhD 

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23 OctRommelag Webinar: Vaccine wastage reduction, vaccine packaging
Speakers: Mr. Tim Kram & Dr.Matthew Peters

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13 SepInDevr Webinar: Highly Multiplexed, 30-minute VaxArray Immunoassay for Pneumococcal Vaccine Antigen Characterization and Serological Sample Analysis
Speaker: Dr. April Ruka

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5 SepWebinar – Raman technology to enable real-time upstream bioprocess monitoring of CPPs and CQAs and continuous control: From media preparation to cell culture expansion
Speaker: Mr. Hadi EL Radi

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30 AugBiOZEEN Webinar – Risk-Based Equipment Qualification based on ICH Q9
Speaker: Mr. Devak Padmanabhan M.K.

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21 AugWebinar: Stevanato- EZ-fill® platform to fasten the scale-up of fill&finish manufacturing capacity for vaccines
Speakers: Mr. Riccardo Prete & Mrs. Flavia Batista

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8 AugWebinar: Sunflower Therapeutics Webinar – Democratizing Biomanufacturing using Perfusion Fermentation
Speaker: Dr. Laurw Crowell
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27 JulWebinar: Sustainable medical cold chain: The need of the hour for last mile vaccine potency – B Medical Systems
Speaker: Mr. Jesal Doshi
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29 JunBatavia Webinar: Rapid response, low-cost manufacturing of viral vaccines against emerging infectious disease threats 
Speaker: Alfred Luitjens
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21 JunGEA Webinar: Energizing pharma: GEA solutions in vaccine processing
Speakers: Dr. Markus Kuehberger & Mr. Joerg Kuepper
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25 MayTruking Webinar: Ensuring Supply Chain Security and Continuity in Global Vaccine Manufacturing 
Speakers: Dr. Jolie Zhou, Mr. Rajkumar Gaikwad

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26 AprCytiva Webinar: Achieving vaccine equity: the challenges and opportunities of multi-modality manufacturing
Seaker: Ms. Katarina Stenklo
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07 MarZebra/Temptime webinar: Obtaining WHO PQ for VVM for (COVID) Vaccines
Speaker: Jon Pearman

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01 MarHiMedia Labs Webinar: Serum-free media as a Sustainable and Affordable Solution to Vaccine Production
Speaker: Dr. Vishal G. Warke
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29 NovA disruptive vaccine manufacturing platform enabling rapid response to disease outbreaks (Univercells Technologies)
Speaker: Dr. Pratik Gajjar

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23 NovImprove your vaccine efficacy and get rid of the jab (Pharmajet)
Speakers: Paul LaBarre, Chris Cappello, Darin Zehrung, Erin K. Spiegel, Ph.D.

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29 OctVirtual Reality Training Initiative Showcase
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29 SepConceptual Design: Key to get a GMP compliant facility (Telstar)
Speaker: Dr Rafael Beaus (Global Consultancy Manager) Contact:

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20 JulNext Generation Sequencing (IABS)
Speakers: Pieter Niels, Sebastiaan Theuns, Laurent Mallet, Gwenaël Ciréfice, Arifa Khan & Ravneet Bhuller

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30 JunNovel Sf9 Rhabdovirus-Negative Cell Line & Chemically Defined Media Platform (Merck Group)
Speaker: Janice Tan (Merck Group)

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20 JunUse of GVMM data for decision making (CHAI)
Speakers: Wrik Ghosh (CHAI), Lena Stashko (Linksbridge), Yvonne Teng (Linksbridge)

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8 JunHighly Multiplexed, 30-minute VaxArray Immunoassay for Pneumococcal Vaccine Antigen Characterization (InDevR)
Speakers: Erica Dawson (InDevR)

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21 AprRisk Management Plan
Speakers: Bernadette Hendrikx, Katharina Hartmann and Pieter Niels

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RMP project – General comments
09 FebCHAI, Identifying and maximizing opportunities in middle-income countries
Speakers: Jason Zhu & Khanyisa Mtombeni

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Link to the CHAI website where a simplified version of the MIC opportunity database:
25 JanDCVMN- Dynamic demand forecasting for COVID-19 vaccines
Speaker: Dr Matt Linley, Airfinity
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27 OctDevelopment of simple and rapid UHPLC method for the quantification of 2-phenoxyethanol in vaccines)
Speaker: Dr. Francesco Marino

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13 OctNext generation sequencing – Core technology in vaccinomics (Instituto Superiore di Sanita)
Speaker: Dr. Domenico Genovese

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6 OctKnowledge, Attitude and Practice on Clinical Development and Medical Affairs among DCVMN members:results of a survey
Speaker: Dr. Simonetta Viviani

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27-28 SepRethinking the Vaccine Manufacturing Process (Merck)
Presenters: Ms. Josephine Cheng & Dr. Subhasis Banerjee

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Access the recording for Day 1 part 2 here
Access the recording for Day 2 part 1 here
Access the recording for Day 2 part 2 here
23 SepInDevR -Standardization and streamlining of Polio, Measles and Rubella and other vaccine developments
Presenter: Dr. Kathy Rowlen

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14 SepGEA-Disk Stack Separators for efficiency & yield in Vaccine Downstream Processes
Presenter: Mr Markus Kuehberger, GEA

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08 SepNC3R Review of animal testing requirements in WHO guidelines and recommendations for biologics: a proposal to implement 3Rs principles
Presenter: Mr Elliot Lilley

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28 JulTofflon KUFill -Flexible Manufacturing System for Injectables
Presenter: Sanjeev Patki

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15 JulVaccine Synthesis and Formulation Processes
Presenter: Christian Lavarreda, Global Product Manager, SYNTEGON

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22 JunEmerging opportunities in vaccine innovation
Presenter: Alex Bowles, CHAI

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4 MayZiccum; The generation of temperature stable dry powder vaccine, using a new unit operation for the vaccine industry, LaminarPace
Presenters: Göran Conradson, Founder and CEO, Ziccum AB

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8 AprMultidose prefilled bags for pandemics
Presenters: Dr Renske Hesselink, Project Manager and CMC Lead, and Dr Matthew Downham, Sustainable Manufacturing Lead, CEPI.
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23 MarVaccines for the World – Insights into Design and Execution of a BSL2 Fill-Finish Facility, Syntegon
Presenters: Rutger Vandiest, CDMO, Bavarian Nordic A/S, Mark Miller, IPS EMEA, Matthias Angelmaier, Syntegon
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17 MarBriefing to DCVMN members on “What will it take to manufacturer vaccines in Africa?”
Presenters: Tania Holt & Leah Kaplow
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4 MarState of the Art – Prefilled syringe processing. SYNTEGON
Presenter: Klaus Ullherr, Senior Product Manager, Syntegon, and international expert, speaker and trainer in fill/finish for pharma and biotech
Webinar materials cannot be publicly shared due to some confidential content
18 FebMonocyte activation test: an in vitro method to evaluate the pyrogenic content of human vaccines
Presenter: Dr. Marilena Paola Etna, Istituto Superiore di Sanita’, Italy
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27 JanWorkshop by CEPI: Best practices for tech transfer
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21 JanA novel method for antigen characterization of measles and rubella vaccines
Presenter: Dr Erica Dawson, CTO, InDevR
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3 DecAn overview of COVID vaccine clinical trial results & some challenges
Presenter: Dr Jakob Cramer, Head of Clinical Development, CEPI
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3 DecA potential game-changer in viral inactivation
Presenter: Mario Bott Managing Director and Daniel Becker, Kyoobe, with Bausch & Stroebel
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20 OctRABS vs. Isolator – the status quo and a look into the future
Presenter: Matthias Angelmaier, Global Product Manger Isolator Technology, Syntegon
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15 OctPolio analytical services
Presenter: Viroclinics
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24 SepNC3Rs – National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research
Presenter: Dr Anthony Holmes, Director of Science and Technology.
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15 SepRapid Analytics for Vaccines using InDevR’s VaxArray Platform
Presenter: Kevin Kohlmeier, Director of Marketing.
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20 AugVaccine Manufacturing Platform With Covid19 Vaccine Case Study
Presenter: Sanjeev Patki, Director of Business Development, Tofflon and Vikrant Hedau, Technical Solution Engineer, Tofflon.
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6 AugCentrifuges in vaccine production processes – GEA Separation technology
Presenter: Thomas Mueller, Global Product Manager Sales Pharma Biotechnology, GEA.
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21 JulThe concept of fair pricing of medicines
Presenter: Prof. Suerie Moon, Co-Director of the Global Health Centre, Geneva Graduate Institute, Geneva.
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16 JulVaccine Innovation Prioritisation Strategy Update
Presenter: Dr Marion Menozzi-Arnoud, Gavi, and Dr Birgitte Giersing, WHO
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25 JunThe TB Vaccine Development Pathway web tool (
Presenter: Dr Georges Thiry, Consultant to TBVI leading the Stage Gate Project working group
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9 JunUnpacking COVID-19 Uncertainty: Tools for Understanding Vaccine Demand
Presenters: Beth Evans, Program Manager, and Elizabeth Eyerman, Associate, of CHAI Global Vaccines Team.
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Download: CHAI COVID-19 vaccine demand forecast (xls)
26 MayA breakthrough high-performance viral vaccines biomanufacturing platform to countermeasure epidemic threats
Presenter: Dr. Tania Pereira Chilima, deputy CTO, Univercells Technologies
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16 AprProcess optimization and scale up using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Presenter: Gero Greive, Head of Process Engineering and R&D lead for continuous process systems and simulations at Bioengineering AG, Switzerland
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11 MarRegulatory pathways available for vaccine registrations
Presenter: Dr Nora Dellepiane
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6 MarGovernance, Conflict of Interest and Competition law
Presenter: Sevan Antreasyan
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12 DecThe technical collaborations portal on DCVMN website
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7 NovReduce Replace Refine principle: and overview of its implementation in human vaccines
Laura Viviani
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Lang et al. (2018) 3R: animal welfare progress in European Pharmacopoeia monographs
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10 OctStreamline Bioprocess Development, Improvement and Monitoring with New Protein Quantification Tool
Kevin Kohlmeier, Technical Product Manager at InDevR, Inc.
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26 SepNovel vaccine technologies available from the VaxHub
Prof. Martina Micheletti, Biochemical Engineering at University College London.
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12 SepThe process of influenza reagent sharing for northern and southern hemisphere influenza seasons
Othmar Engelhardt, Principal Scientist, NIBSC, on behalf of the Essential Regulatory Laboratories.
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29 AugDCVMN initiative 6 – support pharmacovigilance projects to enhance vaccine safety monitoring
Dr Katharina Hartmann, independent consultant in pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology.
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7 AugThe role of human challenge studies in accelerating vaccine development
Prof Peter Openshaw and Dr Emma Smith, Imperial College of London.
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18 JulTypes of stainless steel and welding controls applied in the pharmaceutical industry for product-contact areas
Sarin Kunnath and Prince Paul, Biozeen.
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13 JunVIPS – Vaccine Innovation Prioritisation Strategy (focusing on vaccine product attributes)
Dr Marion Menozzi, Senior Projects Specialist, Market Shaping Team, Gavi and Dr Birgitte Giersing, Initiative for Vaccine Research, WHO.
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15 MayBy number – the global standards behind barcodes and serialization
Ulrike Kreysa, Vice-President Healthcare, and Géraldine Lissalde-Bonnet, Director of Public Policy for Healthcare, GS1 Global Office.
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18 AprHow to assure quality in glass vials. Particle control process
by Martina Largoni, PM for Vials, Stevanato group.
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27 FebIntroducing BactiVac Network
by Professor Cal MacLennan, Director.
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13 DecImproved design and operation of vaccine manufacturing through process modelling
by Prof Nilay Shah, Director of the Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College, London
Dr Zoltán Kis, Research Associate in the Future Vaccines Manufacturing Hub at the Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College, London.
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15 NovNew Technologies for Vaccine Delivery and Stabilisation
by Dr Rongjun Chen and Dr Jason Hallett, Manufacturing Futures Lab.
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30 OctInspection technology for glass containers filled with vaccine
by Mr Gaetano Baccinelli, Sales Manager, Optrel, Stevanato Group – Engineering Systems Division
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2 OctAsia’s Vaccine Market: Opportunity, Risks and A Plausible Future
by Jude Uzonwanne, Principal, Strategy & Transaction Advisory, Asia Pacific, IQVIA
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6 SepSandia recording
by Dr Linda Winona, Project / Programme Lead, Sandia National Laboratories
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10 JulTemptime webinar
by Michael Rush
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21 JunInspection technology for empty glass containers
by Dr Alessandro Pettenuzzo, Account Manager, Stevanato Group -Engineering Systems Division
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24 MayUnleashing the power of rabies vaccines
by Dr Bernadette ABELA-RIDDER and Dr Annette IVES, Neglected Zoonotic Diseases, WHO
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12 AprFuture Vaccine Manufacturing Research Hub: collaborating with DCVMN
by Prof Robin Shattock, Professor of Mucosal Infection and Immunity, Imperial College, London
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13 MarHumidity Control in Vaccine Manufacturing – A GMP Perspective
by Martin Ginty, Industry Manager, Pharmaceutical, Munters Ltd.
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15 FebPharmacovigilance System Requirements (Part 2) and the ArisGlobal database
by Dr Vivek Ahuja, Vice President, Global Pharmacovigilance ArisGlobal
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7 DecImproving pharmacovigilance: Regulatory outlook and Argus Safety Database
by Dr Niels Buchs Leander (Consulting Director), Peter Strøyer Pallesen (Application Manager, Life Science Application, NNIT) and Flemming Kjoeller (Vice President Global Sales) at NNIT.
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12 OctInnovative Cell culture and purification approaches applied to cost-effective manufacturing of viral vaccines
by Benjamin Damien, Director of Business Development, Univercells
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21 SepCharacterisation of Sabin based inactivated polio vaccines
by Prof. Dr. Gideon Kersten And Dr. Janny Westdijk (project leader), Intravacc
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17 AugGAP III: minimizing poliovirus facility-associated risk
by Dr Philip Minor, Head of Division of Virology, NIBSC
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13 JulIVI webinar on Technology Transfer
by Viliam Pavliak, PhD,Head of Vaccine Development International Vaccine Institute (IVI), Seoul
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29 JunCreative Capacity: Innovative solutions for the future of bioproduction
by Sven FRIE, Head of Sales ASIA, Enterprise Solutions, GE Healthcare
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27 AprVaccine Introduction and Uptake Timing Benchmark Project
by Lois Privor-Dumm, Policy, Advocacy & Communications Team Lead
International Vaccine Access Center
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
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8 MarImproving access to vaccines: the role and progress of vaccine price transparency
by Stephanie Mariat, Technical Officer, WHO
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14 FebType 1 glass for pharmaceuticals containers: technical requirements and regulatory updates
by Dr. Daniele Zuccato, Core Team Leader, Ompi
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10 JanThe DCVMN e-learning platform
by Ching Chia Ting
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15 DecLarge-Scale Biomanufacturing: how to comply with GMP and Biosafety Regulations
by Jaap Koster & Per Staugaard
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16 NovData Integrity
by Steve Williams & Rai Karklins, CBE
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6 OctApplikon Bio Webinar: Biosafety
Erik Kakes, International Sales and Marketing Director, Applikon Biotechnology
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20 SepLessons learned from the dengue vaccine trials
Prof Annelies Wilder-Smith MD PhD MIH FAMS FACTM, Professor of Infectious Diseases Research at Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
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6 SepUNICEF Vaccine distribution practices
by Ann Ottonsen & Lauren Kavanagh, UNICEF SD
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30 AugThe Tyranny of Key Performance Indicators
Martin Lush (MSc, FIBMS, PG Dip, EU Qualified Person, CBiol President, NSF Health Sciences Pharma Biotech Consulting)
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8 MarIntroducing the Access to Vaccines Index
Dr Jayasree K. Iyer, Executive Director, Access to Medicine Foundation
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3 FebDynamics of developing countries’ vaccine markets
Amie Batson, Chief Strategy Office, PATH
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20 JanProduct characterisation of whole-cell Pertussis vaccine by mass spectrometry at Intravacc
Arno van der Ark & Bernard Metz
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11 NovRegistration of vaccines: current challenges and opportunities
Dr. Nora Dellepiane
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Dr. Nora Dellepiane: Access the recording here
Dr. David Wood: Access the recording here
10 SepReducing the TCO of vaccines manufacturing through a ready to fill primary packaging solution
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11 JunManufacturing flexibility: viral vaccine production, presented by Dr. Mats Lundgren, PhD
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31 MarGood Governance and Ethical Codes What They Are and Why They Matter for Vaccines
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24 AprWebinar on Vaccine Prequalification for manufacturers Developing Country Vaccines Manufacturer Network Day2
Briefing (pdf)
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23 AprWebinar on Vaccine Prequalification for manufacturers Developing Country Vaccines Manufacturer Network Day1
Briefing (pdf)
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