General Meeting presentation materials available for download (PDF):
Agenda of the 18th annual meeting
Speakers book 18th annual meeting
Opening speech of the 18th annual meeting
Monday, 25th September 2017
- kreysa_workshop_25september2017_revised.pdf
- kahn_ctc_dcvmn.pdf
- Lewis_unicef_dcvmn7.pdf
- symposium_liu_lundgren.pdf
- symposium_rush.pdf
- symposium_sudeep_kothari.pdf
Tuesday, 26th September 2017
- 26th_keynote_seth_berkley.pdf
- 26th_richard_hatchett.pdf
- 26th_briand.pdf
- 26th_jerome.pdf
- 26th_abela.pdf
- 26th_odile_leroy.pdf
- 26th_wiliam.pdf
Wednesday, 27th September 2017 – Room A
- 27th_akanmori.pdf
- 27th_cooke.pdf
- Technology_transfer_partnerships_to_improve_vaccine_supply_in_bangladesh.pdf
Wednesday, 27th September 2017 – Room B
- 27th_suvi_stockpiling_strategies_and_priorities.pdf
- 27th_malhame.pdf
- 27th_msf_torreele-revised.pdf
- 27th_tania.pdf
- 27th_zipursky.pdf
- 27th_lewis.pdf
- 27th_rodriguez_2.pdf
- 27th_rahman.pdf
- 27th_mengl_revised-2.pdf
- 27th_meek.pdf
- 27th__rodriguez.pdf
- 27th_closure_martin.pdf
Thursday, 28th September 2017 – Optional visit
Album Day 1

Album Day 2

Album Day 3