General Meeting presentation materials available for download (PDF):
2015 AGM Report
Agenda of the 16th annual meeting
Meeting report
Oct 5
- Dr. Priyabrata Pattnaik
- Dr. Thaddeus Prusik
- Dr. Guenter Jagschies
- Dr. Jean-Marie Okwo-Bele
- Mrs. Amie Batson
Oct 6 Morning
- Dr. Supamit Chunsuttiwat
- Mr. Michael David Ward
- Ms. Heather Deehan
- Ms. Melissa Marie Malhame
- Mr. Daniel Rodriguez
- Mr. Christopher Geoffrey Egerton- Warburton
Oct 6 Afternoon
Novel technologies
Novel vaccines
Oct 7
Other presentations
- AGM 2015 Speakers book
- VLP Vaccines, an Example of Product Profile Specification Setting
- Modernizing legacy Vaccine processes
- QbD for Upstream processing
- Quality by design: Application to chromatography