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Merck Workshop: Process development. Facility design and Market Trends

September 7, 2022

Workshop Topic: Process development. Facility design and Market Trends

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Topic 1: “Process Development of Virus-Like Particle (VLP) Technology: A VLP COVID-19 Vaccine Case Study” 

By:     Naomi Baer (Business Developing Consultant Emerging Biotech Bioprocessing Commercial Mid-Atlantic, USA)

Matthew Research Scientist (TechnoVax Inc. Elmsford, NY๗

Topic 2: Facility Design and investment market overview 

By Ina Bhatia, Steve Maina


Building a facility is a big step – especially for emerging biotech’s with no in-house capability yet. Driven by a highly attractive market, we see an increasing amount of investment and a rising need for localization. This presentation will focus on relevant market trends and regional/local developments, key success factors and common pitfalls when building your facility.

By: Ina Bhartia (Senior Strategy Manager Life Science Services)

Steve Maina (Director of Advisory Services, Life Science Services)

Topic 3: Future vaccine manufacturing outlook and cost comparison between traditional and novel vaccines

By: Ms. Josephine Cheng

Senior Consultant
Traditional Modalities Bioprocessing Strategy APAC


The vaccine market is gearing towards more digitalized, standardized, and flexible ways of manufacturing, which will eventually contribute to higher productivity and better global accessibility.  In this presentation, we would like to share some of the first-hand insights from manufacturers, the technical barriers and concerns, potential solutions to move forward, and a comprehensive comparison of traditional vaccines to novel vaccines from a cost perspective.

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