*This workshop is exclusive only for DCVMN Members and Resource Members.
Date: December 7th, 2023
Time: 12 PM – 2 AM (CET)
Company: Merck Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
Registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpf-2tqTIrG9DvQ6pQbIVz39-1airHKwl6
Topic: Process Automation Enhancing Data Integrity Compliance – best practice and case study workshop
Description: Bringing lifesaving medicines to market faster while lowering costs and maintaining quality are key drivers for the biopharmaceutical industry. Consequently, the sector looks to optimize and innovate its processes by building a Facility of the Future enabled by single-use technologies, intensified processes, Process Analytical Technology (PAT), automation and advanced analytics software. This future requires organizations to begin a digital transformation.
In the session, you will learn:
1. Principle, common challenges, and current realities faced by pharma & and vaccine manufacturers.
2. Regulatory requirement, consideration, compliance, and guidelines of computerized system and data integrity in manufacturing.
3. How to overcome various critical factors in data management tools to comply with regulatory requirements. Various tools to build up business success in the vaccine commercial journey.
4. Workshop with case studies.