Saint-Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of vaccines and sera

Website : us :Svobody 52
RussiaPhone :007 812 660 06 10
Federal State Unitary Enterprise St. Petersburg Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums and Bacterial Preparations Plant of Russian Federal Biomedical Agency dates back to 1938, when Department of vaccines and serums of the Imperial Institute of Experimental Medicine was reorganized into the Leningrad Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums of the USSR Ministry of Health.
Today SPbSRIVS FMBA of Russia is a leading Russian manufacturer of vaccines for the prevention of influenza, has the GMP certificate from PAHO reference center of CECMED, which confirms compliance of technology and production of vaccines with international standards.
From 2016, SPbSRIVS maintains regular supplies of the influenza vaccine to countries of the Latin American region and implements the project of construction in Nicaragua the Latin American Institute of Biotechnology MECHNIKOV and the transfer of the production technology of influenza vaccine, as well as a number of other immunobiological products.
SPbSRIVS is fully engaged in research activities, both fundamental and applied, devoted to microbiology and virology, experimental immunology, biomedicine in general, and vaccinology in particular. Particular attention focused to the support of young scientists and specialists, as well as the professional development of personnel to the highest qualifications, in particular, the preparation of doctoral research for academic degrees.
The promising development direction for the Institute is the creation of a scientific&practical cluster uniting production, research and educational institutions of FMBA of Russia.