Sinergium Biotech

Website : us :Routa Panamericana Km 38,7
Buenos Aires
ArgentinaPhone :+54 11 3220 7300
Sinergium Biotech is an Argentine biopharmaceutical company specialized in the research, development, production and commercialization of vaccines and biopharmaceutical products of high complexity. Carries out an innovative production model of strategic partnerships with national and international laboratories that allows: the transfer and availability of state-of-the-art technologies, autonomy in the production and supply of strategic products that previously had to be imported, the generation of new sources of employment with highly qualified professionals, the replacement of imports and the generation of an important export potential.
During the influenza A (H1N1) pandemic, the need for a local vaccine production plant in Argentina became evident. In 2010, in partnership with the Swiss company Novartis , the technology transfer process for the local production of influenza vaccines in the country began. In July 2015 bioCSL (a company of the Australian group CSL) and the flu vaccine division of Novartis joined forces to create Seqirus, the second most important company in the world for the production of this vaccine.
This agreement was followed by partnerships with North American companies: Pfizer , for the production of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, and MSD (Merck, Sharp &Dohme, an Argentine subsidiary of Merck & Co) for the production of the tetravalent vaccine against HPV. At the same time, for the production of monoclonal antibodies, Sinergium Biotech joins Elea Laboratories and Insud Pharma (with its biotechnology company mAbxience ) who form a public-private consortium together with the Roffo Institute (National University of Buenos Aires), the University of Quilmes , and the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Sinergium Biotech also partnered with other vaccine manufacturers around the world to market and distribute their products in the Latin-American region, where Sinergium has branches and offices in almost all the countries.