Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute

Website : http://www.saovabha.com/en/default.aspContact us :1871, Rama 4 Road, Pathumwan,
ThailandPhone :+66 2 252 0161 / 4
1911: Momchaoying Banlusirisarn Diskul died of rabies since rabies vaccine was not available in Thailand at that time.
HM King Vajiravudh (King Rama VI) permitted HRH Prince Damrong Rajanubharb to establish a center for vaccine production and vaccination against rabies. This center was opened in April 26, 1913 named "Pastura Sabha", and was later changed to "Sathan Pasteur" in recognition of Louis Pasteur, the pioneer in rabies vaccine production.
1917: HM King Vajiravudh had transferred all activities of Sathan Pasteur to Science Division, Thai Red Cross Society.
May 24, 1920: A permanent building name "Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute" was built by donation of money from King Vajiravudh for memory of his mother "Queen Saovabha" and the official opening was on December 7, 1922.
1923: Snake farm was established and production of snake antivenins was started. Horse farm was established in 1956, current number of horses is 350.
1953: The production of BCG vaccine was started.
2003: The production of TRCS ERIG (Equine rabies immunoglobulins) was started.
II List of Products
* BCG VACCINE: 5,000,000 doses/y
* TUBERCULIN: 30,000 vials/y (100 IU/ml)
* EQUINE RABIES IMMUNOGLOBULINS: 100,000 vials/y (1,000 IU/5ml)
- King Cobra Antivenin (Ophiophagus Hannah): 60,000 vials/y
- Cobra Antivenin (Naja kaouthia)
- Banded Krait Antivenin (Bungarus fasciatus)
- Malayan Pit Viper Antivenin (Calloselasma rhodostoma)
- Russell's Viper Antivenin (Daboia russelli siamensis)
- Green Pit Viper Antivenin (Trimeresurus albolabris)
- Malayan Krait Antivenin (Bungarus candidus)
- Neuro polyvalent Antivenin ; (Naja kaouthia , Ophiophagus Hannah , Bungarus fasciatus, Bungarus candidus)
- Haemato polyvalent Antivenin ; (Calloselasma rhodostoma ,Trimeresurus albolabris, Daboia russelli siamensis)