
AL Utrecht AL Bilthoven
Intravacc: Institute for Translational Vaccinology
As of 1 January 2013, the Institute for Translational Vaccinology (Intravacc) is the new governmental Institute working under the Dutch Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sport. Intravacc is responsible for the R&D and technology transfer activities in de vaccine field (the former Vaccinology Unit of RIVM).
Intravacc has a long history in developing vaccines. It promotes public health by developing vaccines from the laboratory to clinical study in man. To achieve this mission, our aim is to substantially reduce development risks and cost of new vaccines so that manufacturers will be able to viably produce and distribute these vaccines for major public health concerns.
We contribute to the improvement of the accessibility and availability of valuable vaccines worldwide. We foster the global health through international partnerships in innovative vaccinology.
We collaborate with
Research institutes
Public organizations
Private organizations
We like to bridge the gap between vaccine research in academia or small/medium enterprises including biotech and the vaccine industry. Intravacc’s development expertise is utilized for the (co-)development of innovative, effective and affordable vaccines.
Public Private Partnering (PPP) or Product Development Partnering (PDP) are important ways to realize our mission for global health.
Intravacc entered into strategic partnerships
Intravacc will continue her strategic partnerships with DCVM that includes some Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with state-owned manufacturers as well as private owned companies
Intravacc has Memoranda of Understandings in the field of polio vaccines and influenza vaccines with WHO. Both MoU’s focus on capacity building in developing countries and emerging economies
Intravacc collaborates on a bilateral basis with vaccine institutes from developing countries and emerging economies
An important stakeholder for Intravacc is the Dutch government. The Dutch government supports the UN Millennium Development Goals to reduce child mortality by subsidizing the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). As a result, millions of children are vaccinated against hepatitis B and hib infections.