GC Biopharma

Website : http://www.greencross.com/Contact us :303 Bojeong-dong, Giheung-gu
Kyunggido Yongin
South KoreaPhone :+82 31 260 9106
Green Cross Corporation (GCC) is one of the leading research based biomedical and pharmaceutical companies in Korea. Since its establishment in 1967, GCC has pioneered in the field of biopharmaceuticals, such as vaccines, plasma-derivatives, diagnostics, recombinant proteins and therapeutic antibodies.The corporate headquarter and R&D facilities are located in Yongin. GCC has 3 production plants.
Green Cross is a R&D-oriented company that leads the biotechnology industry in Korea. Our goal is to help people be free from the physical pain caused by diseases, so that they can lead stable and happy lives. Green Cross aims to become a leading healthcare service provider in fields such as medicines, medical equipment and healthcare services, and to help maintain and improve people’s physical and mental health through disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
Twelve years of research efforts have resulted in the world’s third development of a Hepatitis B vaccine in 1983. “Hepavax”, a Hepatitis B vaccine entirely developed by Green Cross has contributed to the health of the nation substantially, by reducing by half the Hepatitis B virus carrier rate that had reached 13%. Up to now, 400 million doses of “Hepavax”, a quantity that can vaccinate 130 million people, have been distributed to 60 countries through international organizations such as UNICEF. It is recorded as the most widely used Hepatitis B vaccine.
Following the Hepatitis B vaccine, Green Cross also succeeded in developing the first Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever vaccine in 1988, a chicken pox vaccine, the world’s second in 1993, and an AIDS diagnostic reagent for the first time in Korea. Likewise, Green Cross has know-how and competitiveness that set it apart from competitors in the field of biomedicine.
With the belief that “R&D is the revenue of the future”, Green Cross is fully committed to the development of new medicines, by investing annually 5 to 7% of total sales revenue in R&D, the largest amount among pharmaceutical companies in Korea. Recent innovations include ‘BDD rhFVIII (GreenGeneTM)’, a recombinant human coagulant factor VIII and a complete flu pipeline including seasonal flu vaccine (GCFLU®), H1N1 vaccine, avian flu vaccine as well as flu therapeutics, Peramivir. GCC is also pursuing opportunities in rare diseases developing therapies for Hunter syndrome (HunteraseTM) and Fabry’s disease (GC1119).