Bio-Manguinhos / Fiocruz

Website : us :Av. Brasil, 4365 - Manguinhos
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
BrazilPhone :+55 21 3882-9329
Bio-Manguinhos was founded in 1976 to strengthen vaccine manufacturing capacity to meet public health demands, as defined by the Ministry of Health (MoH) National Immunization Program (PNI). Since then, the Institute has played a prominent role in government health programs, investing in innovation, technological development and manufacturing of vaccines, in vitro diagnostics and bioptherapeutics. Our portfolio is made of 34 products, which are supplied primarily to the Unified Health System (SUS).
To master advanced production processes and state-of-the-art technologies, Bio-Manguinhos besides in house R&D, invests also in partnerships and technology transfer agreements with national and international institutions.
Bio-Manguinhos is also a member of the Executive Group of Health Industrial Complex (Gecis), which brings together government authorities, representatives of the national industry, associations and teaching and research institutions, as well as funding agencies. As a member of Gecis, it contributes to the formulation of health public policies.
The changes go further and the Institute is constantly growing and strenthening its technological capabilities. The Industrial Health Biotechnology Complex (CIBS), in Santa Cruz, Rio de Janeiro; and the Vaccines Plant Based Technology Center, in Eusebio, CearĂ¡, are the two newest sites under construction. The building of new facilities will allow the expansion of productive capacity.