Bio Farma

Website : us :Pasteur no. 28
West Java Bandung
IndonesiaPhone :+62 2 2203 3755
Since its establishment in 1890, Bio Farma has been active in supplying high quality vaccines and serum for people. Currently, Bio Farma is one of the largest vaccines manufacturers and suppliers in the world. The need for EPI vaccines in Indonesia has been supplied solely by Bio Farma.
Bio Farma has existed for a century and proven its strength and experiences worldwide. The company has also grown and developed into become the vaccines and serum manufacturer with international reputation. This can be seen from its qualification and ability to acquire WHO prequalification for all of its EPI vaccine products.
Bio Farma is also one of the vaccine manufacturers in the world, pre-qualified by World Health Organization that supplying the global market.
Acknowledged by the International, Bio Farma is not only capable to produce varieties of vaccines, serum, and diagnostics products for Indonesia, but also able to fulfill its global commitment by encouraging other developing countries in eradicating and eliminating any communicable diseases.
The existence of Bio Farma has been known in the world, especially since the company produced vaccine in Auto-disable -pre-fill injection Device in November 2000, known as UNIJECT. This facility is the first ever built in the world. This project is a joint corporation with Program on Appropriate Technology for Health (PATH), Becton Dickinson and UNICEF. Bio Farma plays a very important role in promoting to the Global World for the use of Auto-disable pre fill injection device for the world immunization program.
Bio Farma is the only vaccine and serum manufacturer in Indonesia. At the international level, Bio Farma is among few well known vaccines manufacturers owned by Government. (state-owned company).
In regards to its technology, the quality and credibility of Bio Farma vaccines and serum has been acknowledged by the International. This condition is contributed by the fact that Bio Farma has been supported financially and technologically by International Vaccines Institutes and Countries donors in the world.