
Website : us :458, Vojvode Stepe St., 11152 Belgrade
Republic of SerbiaPhone :+ 381 11 3953 700
The Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Sera “Torlak” is a national institution for prevention, treatment and monitoring of infectious diseases. It was founded by the Government of the Republic of Serbia.
The Institute “Torlak” is one of the oldest institutions of this kind in the world, with more than 80 years of tradition and experience.
The Institute “Torlak” has four national reference laboratories for diagnostics, three of which are certified by the World Health Organization.
The Institute carries out scientific research and educational activities in cooperation with the University of Belgrade.
The Institute “Torlak” is engaged in:
- Production of vaccines, sera and other immunobiological and diagnostic preparations
- Virological, bacteriological and immunological-allergological diagnostics
- Supplying domestic market with the vaccines from the obligatory immunization program
- Vaccines storage and distribution - National Vaccine Store Certificate by WHO and UNICEF, 2009