Geneva, 12 July 2021 – Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance announced today that it had signed advance purchase agreements (APAs) with Sinopharm for as well as with Sinovac for inactivated virus vaccines against COVID-19. The agreements, which come at a time when the Delta variant is posing a rising risk to health systems, will begin to make 110 million doses immediately available to participants of the COVAX Facility, with options for additional doses. The Sinopharm APA enables Q3 supply 60 million doses that will be made available from July through October 2021. The Sinovac APA also enables Q3 supply of 50 million doses to be made available from July through September 2021. Gavi and COVAX partners will now move quickly to ensure all the critical elements required before doses can be shipped – including official allocation by the Facility, UNICEF and PAHO procurement agreements, among others – are in place. The COVAX Facility portfolio, administered by Gavi, currently consists of agreements related to 11 vaccines and vaccine candidates – AstraZeneca/Oxford, Clover, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer-BioNTech, Sanofi/GSK, SII-Covishield, SII-Covovax, Sinopharm and Sinovac – providing participants access to a diverse range of vaccines suitable for use in varied contexts and settings, and to mitigate against the risk of R&D failures, regulatory delays and supply constraints.
More information available at https://www.gavi.org/news/media-room/gavi-signs-agreements-sinopharm-and-sinovac-immediate-supply-covax ; https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork/what-does-covaxs-latest-supply-forecast-tell-us ; https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202107/1228478.shtml ; https://www.who.int/news/item/07-05-2021-who-lists-additional-covid-19-vaccine-for-emergency-use-and-issues-interim-policy-recommendations ; https://www.who.int/news/item/01-06-2021-who-validates-sinovac-covid-19-vaccine-for-emergency-use-and-issues-interim-policy-recommendations