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Advocacy for DCVMs

We advocate for DCVMs at the international stage to generate higher recognition and stimulate knowledge sharing and cooperation in the vaccine field.

We advocate to protect

DCVMN identifies the needs of its members and represents their voice in international forums and meetings with decision making organizations such as WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, PATH and Several Funding agencies so that DCVMs are listened, seen and taken seriously in consideration. We are not only advocating and representing your cause but also engaging in negotiations to keep your costs low while seeking a bigger share of the funding envelope thereby helping to increase both, the voice share and wallet share for the member companies.

We advocate for:

  • Elevating DCVMs’ international recognition
  • Promoting the participation of DCVMs in international strategic planning and decision making
  • Leveraging commercial and collaboration opportunities for members
  • Augmenting standards in Quality and Regulatory space
  • Fostering the development of our members to attain and maintain the status of WHO prequalification
  • Ensuring rapid and successful Tech-transfers leveraging new vaccine platforms to promote vaccine equity
  • Encouraging collaborations and communication amongst vaccine manufacturers and with other industry associations and academia to leverage research, production and roll-out efforts to meet vaccine needs
  • Driving negotiations to keep vaccine manufacturing costs low while seeking a bigger share of the funding envelope for DCVMs
  • Stimulating global governance strategies to direct economic incentives to vaccine manufacturers

Some of Our Advocacy Platforms

ACT-Accelerator Tracking and Monitoring Task Force

African Vaccine Manufacturing Accelerator (AVMA)

Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations


 G20 Health Working Group

Partnerships for African Vaccine Manufacturing (PAVM)

World Health Organization

World Intellectual Property Organization

World Trade Organization

World Vaccine Congress