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24th DCVMN Annual General Meeting Report

The 24th DCVMN Annual General Meeting report is now published!

We are thrilled to share the comprehensive report from our recent Annual General Meeting, where industry leaders, innovators, and experts gathered to discuss and shape the future of vaccine development and manufacturing.

The report highlights key insights, advancements, and collaborative efforts within the vaccine industry. Some of the standout topics include:

🔸 Innovations in vaccine technology
🔹 Strengthening partnerships across the sector
🔸 Strategies for improving global vaccine accessibility
🔹 Enhancing regulatory frameworks

The AGM is a testament to our collective dedication to improving public health worldwide. A special thanks to all our members, partners, and speakers who contributed to the success of this event.

We invite you to read the full report to learn more about the significant strides we are making in the field. Your engagement and support are vital as we continue to drive progress in vaccine development.

You can read the Report here: